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Dapto Cemeteries

Dapto Cemeteries

Three ancestors are buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery at Dapto NSW and another is buried in the nearby Dapto Cemetery (also known as West Dapto Catholic Cemetery). Both cemeteries have very attractive settings. They also include other close relatives.

St Luke's Anglican Cemetery

Three ancestors are buried in St Luke's Anglican Cemetery at Dapto NSW. Click on the picture (below) of any of the ancestor memorials to see a page with specific information about it.

Elizabeth Curry Jolliffe nee Shepherd has an unmarked grave   Gravestone for George Waples and his wife Amelia  Inscription for Amelia Waples nee Carlisle 

West Dapto Catholic Cemetery

One ancestor is buried in the nearby Dapto Cemetery (also known as West Dapto Catholic Cemetery). Click on the picture (below) to see a page with specific information about it.

Thomas Jolliffe has an unmarked grave

Ancestors resting here

The following five ancestors are buried in these two cemeteries.